After looking closely at the music industry I discovered that in order to keep up with the ever changing technologies that seem to define the media world these days, my magazine would need to have a website so that a larger audience, and a younger audience, could reach and interact with my brand. It also became clear to me that many of the leading magazines all have official websites that offer download capabilities and opportunities for the readers to participate. I felt in order to match the standards demanded by the public I would need to compete with such websites in order for my magazine and brand to become a success.
I paid particular attention to the Q music magazine website as this is the magazine I closely analysed for my case study. I thought it would be poignant to look at the design features of a successful brand and apply them to my own design ideas. From looking at this website I discovered some quite interesting things. The main home page was very simplistic in design and followed a continual colour scheme that provided a very sophisticated look in concordence with their target audience demands. Their current issue was on display creating a link between the two formats. Music downloads were also offered with images and videos also available. The layout appears easy and simplistic in practicle use as well as displaying all of the information one would expect from a music webpage. Finally it became ovbious to me that music pages have links to sponsors on their pages, so this is something I will need to consider when designing my brand as they will potentially fund my production.
After looking at a lot of webpages in detail I came to the conlusion that my own design would need to be simplistic yet still housing the appropriate content, music downloads and updates will need to be taken into consideration as well as focusing on the link between the current issue and the website.
Below I have gone on to look at possible sponsors for my product:
Glastonbury Music Festival
Gigs and Tickets.com