What is more important to you as a consumer?
This question was asked inorder to determine what my audience would be looking for when deciding what they wish to purchase and it also allows me to understand, from their perspective, what they look for in new products and what they find most important. This will enable me to create aim and focus.
What entices you to a product?
This question was asked, again, for the same reasons as the previous. It gives me an insight into the buying habits of audiences and alos allows me to establish where my focus will be centered in the creation of my product.
Do you think theme and continuity are important in terms of colour and style?
This question was important in relation to design as I would be able to draw conclusions from my results as to what my demographic find important in the layout of a magazine. It also helps me in planning ideas and initial concepts.
Would you prefer to see one main image on the front cover or a selection?
(Same reason as above)
In relation to text image ratio would you rather see more emphasis on the images than the text?
This was simply asked so I would be able to determine how important text will be in the layout of my cover, and whether or not it would play a more important part than the image. Again this was asked for layout focus.
When looking at content of a music magaqzine would you like to see a more realistic, casual approach with writting than a more formal stance?
This question was asked in realtion to the content of my magazine and how I should approach the way in which I edit the reviews and interviews. It was important for me to see whether or not my audience felt music journalism should me more formal or casual. I felt that by creating a magazne with a more laid back approach to music this would create my USP.
Would you buy a music magazine if you knew that it was soleyl dedicated to an acousitc genre of music??
I put this question together simply to see if my idea would hold up in practice.
Do you think that music magazines put to much empahsis on telling readers what to think than letting them make up their own minds?
This question was more general but it will allow me to understand how readers feel about the music press today and whethe or not I should follow the same conventions used by most music journalists out there.
Do you think there should be more variety in terms of content?Again, this question was realted to content and helped me to determine whether or not I should include more than just music in my magazine.
If yes please circle three below??
By giving participants a choice I could definitavely make a final decision on the content of my magazine.
Would you like to have included in the magazine chances to participate in the reviews and interviews conducted?
This again was more general but It gace me the opportunity to decide whether or not mu audience should be more involved with the creation of my magazine.
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